Megan Eli

Essential Services Market Leader and Project Architect

Megan has had a passion for design her entire life, consistently excelling in all forms of art throughout her schooling. Her love of sketching and painting made the field of architecture an obvious career choice; one she started pursuing at only eleven years old. Megan studied design in college, both architectural and graphic, aiding in her current proficiency not only in the creation of construction documents, but also in the use of graphic design and visualization software. She comes to BUF as a leader of design and technology at her previous firm, where she aided in the development and utilization of the firm’s fast-paced and ever-changing technological efforts and worked extensively with clients and consultants to enhance collaboration efforts throughout all phases of design and construction. Her increased up-front efforts have proven to increase efficiency at all levels of the project. With nearly a decade of experience in the field, Megan has come to appreciate what technology can do for true innovation and beautiful design. When she’s not designing buildings, Megan spends her time designing cakes. She also enjoys building and restoring furniture, spending time with family, and cuddling her two Great Dane pups.